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6 min read
by Andreas Balsiger

Business Orchestration & Automation Technologies: Riding every wave with BOAT

Higher, faster, further - new technologies are developing at breakneck speed, business requirements are increasing at an unprecedented rate: in order...

7 min read
by Pascal Gerber

Digital quality management for better services

Time-consuming, paper-intensive, error-prone – quality control processes are usually laborious, but unavoidable. Regular checks are the only way to...

11 min read
by Judith Riegel

Orchestration of business processes

In today's business world, companies are increasingly confronted with growing complexity in their IT structures and business requirements. To meet...

11 min read
by Judith Riegel

One-stop HR portal: Perfect coordination across borders

All tasks perfectly organized. All information in one place and status updates in real time. Uncomplicated communication and collaboration with...

5 min read
by Oliver Deutsch

HR redefined: Successful Europe-wide transformation at Ricoh

Ricoh Europe is successfully driving the change in HR. The company has enhanced its HR operations using the Axon Ivy Platform. By unifying diverse...

5 min read
by Pascal Gerber

Radical Industry Transformation

As the old saying goes, the only thing constant in life is change – and this applies today more than ever. However, radical transformation in...

8 min read
by Benedikt Diekhans

Business transformation through process automation

Both business and society are constantly evolving. As a result, companies have to anticipate changes before they happen or at least react to them...

5 min read
by Rolf Gebhard Stephan

Low code – more agility for business departments

While low-code development platforms are currently a hot topic, low code alone doesn’t necessarily guarantee success. In order to utilize low code to...

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