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Modeling as a solid foundation for digitized processes. Move further towards digitization with Axon Ivy.

Are You Still Modeling or Already Digitizing?

5 min reading time

When it comes to developing complex business processes, companies are faced with a range of everyday challenges: a heterogeneous system landscape, communication problems, different user interfaces, unclear workflows, and an array of manual steps – all of which require extensive training. It’s clear that changes are necessary.

Process Description Through Modeling

Many companies turn to modeling techniques like BPMN 2.0 to enhance process efficiency. The aim is to simplify complex real – world issues into a unified view. Process modeling results in representations that employees can use for guidance. These representations can include views tailored to specific audiences or descriptions of user interactions such as roles, tasks, deadlines, and interfaces. However, it’s important to note that process modeling is essentially a descriptive activity.

Modeling as a Foundation – Digitization Takes It Further

While modeling often provides a solid foundation for digitized processes, true digitization extends several steps further. The ultimate goal is the complete digital implementation of processes. Modern Digital Process Automation (DPA) platforms, which support the BPMN 2.0 standard, enable processes to be automated almost entirely through a drag-and-drop interface, beginning from the modeling phase. This represents a paradigm shift in workflow management – rather than staff members searching for necessary information across multiple systems, DPA platforms consolidate all information into a single, centralized source.

Enhanced Efficiency Through Automation

DPA platforms interact directly with employees. Instead of manually checking what the next process step is in a model, employees are automatically guided through their tasks. Repetitive and decentralized activities like data entry or data completeness checks can be automated. The result: the employees are relieved and can use their energy for more demanding tasks.

“While modeling often provides a solid foundation for digitized processes, true digitization extends several steps further.”

Marcel Prügel, Head of Product Management, Axon Ivy AG

Marcel Prügel

Head of Product Management, Axon Ivy AG

Increased Cost Efficiency and Reduced Time-to-Market

Companies that recognize the potential of going beyond modeling to full-scale process digitization can set themselves apart from the competition and gain a decisive market advantage. Comprehensive digitization not only boosts cost efficiency but also shortens time-to-market. Customer satisfaction is also enhanced: The platform, acting as a "single point of truth," always has all the relevant information readily available, ensuring comprehensive and accurate communication.

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