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Business Orchestration & Automation Technologies: Riding every wave with BOAT

Digitalization Low Code Orchestration Process Automation
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Andreas Balsiger
by Andreas Balsiger

Higher, faster, further - new technologies are developing at breakneck speed, business requirements are increasing at an unprecedented rate: in order not to sink, continuous adaptation and improvement must be at the heart of entrepreneurial activities. They ensure competitiveness and success. The challenge here is not “just” to optimize internal processes. It is crucial to create an environment that enables innovation and agile adaptation to constantly changing market requirements.


BOAT: Setting the sails correctly

The intelligent interaction of processes, technologies and people in companies plays a decisive role in maintaining the high water mark. In this scenario, the use of intelligent Business Orchestration & Automation Technologies (BOAT) is essential.

The industry analysts at Gartner see BOAT as a sensible extension and logical further development of business process management. The starting point is the optimized and effective design of processes using automation. The next step is to combine and coordinate the various flexible components of a business process in the best possible way. This involves bringing together existing and familiar technologies, systems and applications such as robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to form a logical system and postulating holistic control and orchestration. This enables the perfect synchronization of company-wide processes and workflows across technological and departmental boundaries.


Nose to the wind: Adapting new technologies and skills

But that's not all: BOAT goes hand in hand with the need to integrate new developments, values and skills into everyday corporate life. It is not just the establishment of AI tools that has shown that the use of disruptive technologies drives new working practices and skills and changes users' experiences and expectations. The digital future will continue to be characterized by new trends and technologies that compete for attention and investment - and thus have a significant impact on everyday business life. Those responsible in companies must pursue innovative paths in order to deliver real added value for the company's success and competitiveness.

Thanks to seamless automation and orchestration of business processes, BOAT generates comprehensive benefits:

  • Faster application development
  • Accelerated processes
  • More efficient use of resources
  • Reduced probability of errors
  • Increased data quality
  • Enhanched flexibility, agility, and responsiveness

This makes a decisive contribution to increasing operational excellence and securing a competitive advantage for companies.

Automation platforms: The steering wheel in your hand

Intelligent automation platforms are undoubtedly part of BOAT. But in this context, they can do much more. They are the ideal basis for benefiting fully from the advantages of BOAT. The platforms enable the holistic and seamless optimization, automation and orchestration of business processes. Thanks to the comprehensive integration of processes, technologies and employees, effective management and higher-level control is possible. Companies can fully exploit the potential of existing solutions, optimize the use of disruptive technologies and make the most of the opportunities offered by new tools. Based on a platform with low-code support, the possibilities for innovation in application development are almost limitless. The resulting agility, flexibility and responsiveness guarantee the company's future success.


Riding the wave of success with BOAT

In order to navigate successfully in a dynamic business environment, companies must leave traditional, rigid structures and manual business processes behind and establish an intelligent digital approach to processes and systems. The strategic and comprehensive use of BOAT is the necessary step here. This makes it possible to fully exploit the opportunities of digital transformation and be successful in a rapidly changing world.