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Read exciting stories about digitalization and discover the latest trends.

2 min read
by Andreas Balsiger

Business Orchestration & Automation Technologies: Riding every wave with BOAT

Higher, faster, further - new technologies are developing at breakneck speed, business requirements are increasing at an unprecedented rate: in order...

2 min read
by Pascal Gerber

Digital quality management for better services

Time-consuming, paper-intensive, error-prone – quality control processes are usually laborious, but unavoidable. Regular checks are the only way to...

4 min read
by Judith Riegel

Orchestration of business processes

In today's business world, companies are increasingly confronted with growing complexity in their IT structures and business requirements. To meet...

4 min read
by Judith Riegel

One-stop HR portal: Perfect coordination across borders

All tasks perfectly organized. All information in one place and status updates in real time. Uncomplicated communication and collaboration with...

2 min read
by Oliver Deutsch

HR redefined: Successful Europe-wide transformation at Ricoh

Ricoh Europe is successfully driving the change in HR. The company has enhanced its HR operations using the Axon Ivy Platform. By unifying diverse...

2 min read
by Pascal Gerber

Radical Industry Transformation

As the old saying goes, the only thing constant in life is change – and this applies today more than ever. However, radical transformation in...

3 min read
by Benedikt Diekhans

Business transformation through process automation

Both business and society are constantly evolving. As a result, companies have to anticipate changes before they happen or at least react to them...

2 min read
by Rolf Gebhard Stephan

Low code – more agility for business departments

While low-code development platforms are currently a hot topic, low code alone doesn’t necessarily guarantee success. In order to utilize low code to...