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Migrating from Lotus Notes

Upgrade to a future-ready solution with Axon Ivy and stay competitive!

Switch to Axon Ivy Now

We've all seen the familiar tiles on the screen for email, collaboration, and workflow management based on HCL/Lotus Notes. However, after more than 30 years on the market, this platform has become a technological relic, no longer meeting the demands of today’s agile business environment.

Especially since support for the solution has ended, companies face the challenge of modernizing their IT infrastructure and transitioning to a contemporary platform.


Increased Productivity


Enhanced Efficiency


Cost Savings

Why Migrate from HCL/Lotus Notes?

Outdated user interfaces and limited functionality make migrating from HCL/Lotus Notes a necessity. 

Transitioning to a modern alternative like Axon Ivy is a crucial step towards greater efficiency, security, and competitiveness. The platform offers advanced process automation with a sophisticated and efficient approach.

Seamless Integration Capabilities

Axon Ivy integrates effortlessly into your existing IT infrastructure and supports easy connections with additional systems and applications, including email clients like Outlook, CRMs, and ERPs. This ensures smooth, media-free transitions and facilitates quick and easy integration of new technologies.

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Comprehensive Flexibility and Accessibility

Unlike HCL/Lotus Notes, which ties users to a desktop application, Axon Ivy provides access through an intuitive, HTML5-based web app compatible with any browser and smartphones. This offers centralized access to applications, tasks, and workflows, giving your employees flexibility and accessibility for their daily work.

Advanced Data Analysis

Advanced Data Analysis

Axon Ivy’s advanced analytics and reporting features provide insights beyond what HCL/Lotus Notes can offer, enabling you to drive business decisions effectively.

User-Friendly Interface

The outdated HCL/Lotus Notes interface no longer meets modern standards. Axon Ivy provides a modern, easy-to-navigate interface that is fully customizable to roles and preferences, increasing user productivity and satisfaction.

Top-Level Security

Top-Level Security

Legacy systems like HCL/Lotus Notes rely on outdated security standards and unsupported versions. Axon Ivy is built on current, cutting-edge technology with the highest security levels, ensuring your sensitive business data is always well-protected.

Enhanced Collaboration

Beyond email, Axon Ivy provides excellent tools for collaboration and communication across departmental boundaries, facilitating teamwork and task management in today’s dynamic work environments.

Developer-Friendly Environment

Developer-Friendly Environment

The Axon Ivy development environment allows your IT experts to quickly and easily implement even complex processes. With Low-Code support, simple workflows can be automated with minimal programming knowledge. Your team will quickly adapt, leading to higher productivity and faster deployment of new applications.


The Benefits of Migrating from Lotus Notes

There are plenty of reasons to transition from HCL/Lotus Notes to Axon Ivy without delay. Automated processes and increased efficiency will significantly reduce your overall IT costs compared to maintaining and operating older systems. Choose an innovative platform that keeps you at the forefront of technology through continuous development.

With a robust and future-proof IT infrastructure, your company will always stay one step ahead—boosting your competitiveness.

Shape Your Digital Future!

Discover how migrating from HCL/Lotus Notes to Axon Ivy can reduce your IT costs and optimize your processes. Request your demo today!