Turn great ideas into business impact – faster than you ever thought possible
Join AXON Ivy in this webinar, as we give an introduction how to create a positive onboarding experience with the Axon.ivy Digital Business Platform.
You only have one chance at a first impression. Failing to bring everyone up to speed immediately can result in high turnover rates and poor efficiency.
A structured on-boarding process guarantees employees have all necessary materials and information from the first day on ensuring employee satisfaction. Onboarding is not just an HR concern, but requires the collaboration of several departments and process owners.
This webinar covers:
- Coordinate responsibilities to ensure a smooth provision of work material and other arrangements.
- Structured onboarding will ensure every employee feels welcome and at ease from day one –and even the days before.
- No tasks left undone.
- New hires become productive much faster.
- Needed materials can be purchased in advance.
- Good reputation for the company’s image.
- Increase retention rates.
This webinar covers
- Digital Process Automation. What does it mean and can it accelerate the path to Digital Transformation?
Live Demo of the HR onboarding application.